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Building your intended parent profile for surrogacy

Updated: Jul 8

Writing your intended parent profile can be tough - how can you compellingly summarize your story and what led you to surrogacy in just a few paragraphs and a handful of photos? After all, this is a high stakes piece of writing - if you do it well, you may find your perfect surrogate match!

The good news is that if you're finding it hard to write about yourself, you're not alone. Most people struggle to strike a balance between standing out and sound relatable. Layer in fertility trauma or anxiety about having to turn to surrogacy to build your family... it can feel soul baring. It doesn't have to be though.

If you're looking for practical tips on writing your intended parent profile for Facebook matching groups, your agency, or your Matching Day profile, follow this guide to bring your story to life!

You are not your fertility story

There are a thousand things more interesting about you than your fertility story. While adding a few lines about what led you to surrogacy can provide helpful context to a would-be match, don't focus on that. Potential surrogates are reading multiple stories, and all of them include the 'why surrogacy' element. Stand out by highlighting the 'why me' instead.

Treat it like a dating profile!

Surrogacy is, at its core, a relationship. Put your best foot forward and tell us what makes you shine! Are you an athlete, avid gardener, or movie buff? Tell people about that. You never know what you might have in common with someone reading your profile, and it could be the seemingly smallest detail that draws someone to get in touch with you.

A (good) picture is worth a thousand words

It's become standard practice to include photos alongside your intended parent profile write up, but not all pictures are created equal. Consider what the photo tells a potential surrogate. An action shot of you crossing the finish line at a marathon covered in sweat or digging into a plate of nachos during a Super Bowl party tells us far more about you than a posed wedding photo. Remember: you're not trying to prove how beautiful you are - you're trying to show off your personality.

Link your other relevant content

Have you been sharing your journey on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, a blog, or Matching Day? Share the link so that a potential surrogate can scroll through everything you've put energy into writing and creating.

Like these tips but looking for more help? Let's work together to build you a stellar intended parent profile for use on Facebook, with your agency, Matching Day, or another space.

Reach out to today to get started!


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